salam ,
morninggggggggggg !
adoi , pagi ni xtau la apa nak buat .
* padahal x tidoq lg ni pada smlm , =D heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . . . actually tadi lepas men counter strike satu block dgn member2 banking pada kul 11pm sampai kul 3.30am . hahaha , otak da mereng da .
pastu actually nak tidoq da time tu tapi adoi , apa lg . Kalu tidoq time tu sah2 xmangkit subuh kot . So , apa plan ??
tggu subuh la , ni tadi da smyg subuh . So , patut skang da on my bed da ni .
Tidoq , tapi . heeeeeeeeeeee . lepoooookkkkk luuuuuuuuuuuuuu . hahaha .
relax dulu , baca paper on9 jap ,then utube jap .
download awesome2 music baru dulu . relax dulu . chill bebeh ! haha .
uhm ,
tadi mlm kan , before main game with my banking mates , Tgk " Chuck " jap .
my favourite and one only awesome series ever !
tadi i got the latest series , my friend baru download kan , pa lg . tgk la .
adoi , gla sweet oi .
seriously gila sweet . Awesome glaaa !
tadi tgk episode 13 season 4 .
paling latest yg ada skang ni .
seriously , awesome gila ! how the ending for tadi ?
uhm , is like this .
aiman brief skit .
eh eh eh , adoi . Apa la aku ni , nnt sat kalu aiman brief pun .
bukan korang pena tgk pun .
hahaha . apa daaaa.
tapi seriously . You got to watch .
kalu x tgk , rugi la .
seriously ! mmg sempoi gla la tadi episode dia .
at the ending , adoi .
terasa love moment for the last2 time with ****** .
adoi , seriously rinduuuuuuuuuuu !
sweet gila chuck and sarah .
uhm ,ada moment yg makes me thing of here .
lg2 time diorg g jalan2 and many more la tp the best part for me is lepas sarah and chuck da lama x jumpa sbb sarah busy with mission then diorg jumpa blik , adoi .
gila sweet kot .
teringat time2 aku in love dulu .
* berlagak ayat *time2* tu bajet mcm da lama plak aku ni padahal baru ja , hahahah *
xpa la , is okay .
this is life . Ada Happy ada Sad . Ada Solid ada Liquid . Ada Rezeki Ada la . chewahhh .
ni seriously popup sendri ! haha
xdanye g rompak pages2 org len ayat tu .haha
adoi , sorry la if x paham aiman writing bout chuck and sarah tu .
okay ? just chuck nye character tu byk similarities dgn aiman la .
even it is just a series but cara dia berlakon tu and what happen to him include family , friends and lover . Adoi ,
seriously , sama daaaaaaaa ! aiman pena lalui smua tu .
kira aiman tgk crita ni is like dia flashback my memories . adoi .
xpa la .
forget bout it . okay ?
just ari ni ari Jumaat . So , apa mau buat ??
smyg jumaat la dulu kul 1pm nnt .
skang is time to go to bed dulu .
after jumaat makan then study kot .
sbb minggu dpn ada quiz and test kan ?
harap2 boley buat la.
tgk la if aiman bgn awal ke nnt .
if ada story happen along the way until this eve ke .
I will update here .
no problemo's Muchooo Graciasss.
Chalooo Beete'e .
Off to bed dulu , Morning ! =D
salammm .
Morning ! Fridayyyy !
Friday, February 11, 2011
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
7:37 AM
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