salam ,
hey .
today afta subuh around 7am , tido kejap kot .
today class is at 10am , so , da la tadi bgn awal around 4.30am .
so , dpt la tido kejap .
get a nap jap . uhm ,
time wake up at 4.30am tu , actually nothing to do .
so , just chill 1st . nak makan no food .
then open lappy .
what do i do ?
just download new song around the globe la .
tu je yg boley buat actually .
da try da nak tido balik tapi x dpt la .
then apa lg , at 7am bru boley tido .
around 9.30am , my roommate kejutkan i tadi ,
dia ckap man ,
kelas ko kul 10am kan ??
im like , yeaaa.
thx u so much for the alarm wake up call.
lega skit .
then slow2 .
chill and make ma body wake up dulu .
make so exercise .
then straight away to bathroom .
mandi and everything .
then back to ma room .
pakai baju smua , sikat rambut and stuff siap2 .
today kan monday , so apa lg ?
formal la .
with tie smua . haha
baju tuck in .
haha , bila2 tgk balik dpn cermin kn , rasa bukan mcm nk g kelas.
tapi apa ?
siap sedia nak off to work . hahaha
adoi , lawak2 .
aiman2 , then chill2 .
terus g kelas . =D
this morning nye class was economic class .
da sampai class , ada la org tegur waahhh , abg belang2 nampak .
hahaha . why ?
because today aiman pakai stripe T and my tie was stripe too .
then , settle everything .
class pun start .
actually , lect was saying that at 1st today will be presentation week .
so , it means that 1st group kna start present la for today.
then , tiba2 .
dia mcm mana tah , dpt fon call .
uish , then dia tiba2 angin . skali , kitaorg kena yield from him .
apa lg , kelas terus diam je la pastu .
then no presentation , dia ckap nak ajar kejap je chapter 4 then baru continue with 1st group nye presentation .
Skaliiii , hmmm .
drag until end of the class .
so , presentation if im not mistaken will start on wednesday la.
this coming wednesday , dont worry .
my group is num 3 .
so , 1 week 2 group I guess.
but next week kena ready la . Afta his class ,
actually slalu nye balik la hostel straight away but dlm hp xda kredit kot .
then apa lg , walk la to a.t.m cucuk duit dulu then baru balik my room .
x topup lg .
otw to english class later around 2.30pm bru topup .
balik2 bilik , one of ma roommate . " epy " ada dlm bilik .
his studying marketing sbb dia ada quiz at 4pm kot .
then , aiman pun mcm penat kot balik dari kelas.
then lay on the bed and chit chat with him .
chill2 , then tgk2 cpat je masa jalan .
da sampai kul 2pm , so apa lg .
both of us siap2 la , dia g mandi aiman pun siap2 la .
then aiman kluar g kelas , otw went to class to drop by kredit jual topup .
topup rm5 dulu .
then continue my walking to class ,
along the way , tiba2 ada org stop me and tnya , aiman2 .
r u the person yg main futsal that day ?
aiman pun jawab , uhm ,yeaa its me .
why ?
dia pun tnya la . uhm , bro can you play for my team next month nye futsal tornament ?
im like , uhm . actually i would love to but seriously , ada org da ajak me join his team last 3 days .
im so sorry dude , hope next time i can play for your team okay ? =D
dia pun mcm , uhm . okay2 . thx . im just asking btw .
aiman pun jawab , hey dude , chill la .
aiman bukan bgus mana pun , next time i will play for ur team in the next tornament yg ada . come and ask me la . aiman join je team sapa2 because aiman xda fixed team .
then dia pun mcm okay !
thx bro . =D
im like , ur welcome dude .
the way dia tnya tu seriously aiman can guess that dia tu my junior .
aiman almost every evening nnt main dkt dpn hostel junior .
ramai bercampur dgn new student .
love to smile atas padang and talk to much ! hahaha
adoi , seriously , ramai sgt knal kot .
to be honest , aiman knal ramai gak tapi x cam lgsg muka diorg .
so , sapa2 yg tegur me along the way or angkat tgn while passby with me .
i know that is my football friends.
for me , is okay .
senyum je kot dkt dia .
senyum itu satu sedekah kan ? dpt pahala free kot . =D
then jalan2 sampai kelas, miss Nur Amalia "Contessa " pun da masuk kelas .
hahaha . Contessa tu her nickname .
sadly , ari ni she xda mood la nak ajar ,seriously . she was so down gla .
mood off ! . Actually dia tu kita ley ckap mcm kanak2 riang aww.
seriously sooo soo funny person .
enjoyable person .
seriously tapi tadi afta few of my classmate tnya dia what happen miss today ?
ur not urself .
then baru la dia explain yg today " was not her day " .
so , kitaorg faham da la .
mmg dia ada stress dgn university probs . Life probs mgkn but not fiancce probs .
sbb dia da tunang actually , takut masalah tunang tapi tadi dia ckap bukan masalah lovelife .
so , aiman pun lega .
xnak la dia saket in love kot .
my lovely miss contessa da nak kawen kot bulan 5 ni .
xnk la ada benda2 x elok jadi kan ?
right ?
then apa lg . dia habiskan kerja dia dlm kelas .
then dia dismiss kitaorg awal .
patut kelas abis around 4.30pm but tadi kelas over around 3.20pm .
seriously . awal gla .
im like, uish .
my lovely hunnybun lecturer ni btul2 xda mood ni .
sian dia .
xpa la , i pun off balik la .
while on the way , my friends aizat dia ada kreta .
dia tumpang kan aiman g bli keropok lekor .
kitaorg lepak dpn laut .
makan2 keropok lekor and gossip skit .
haha , then he send me back to my hostel .
nice mates . =)
then balik2 bilik . mmg x cakap byk la .
transform dulu , then naik atas katil.
terus goal around 4.30pm .
skali bgn2 kul 7pm daaa , adoi . x smyg asar lg .
apa lg , terus g smyg asar .
then rehat2 jap atas katil , skali azan maghrib . terus smyg skali la .
then , afta makan .
my besttie akmal passby my room sblum dia g mandi .
dia ajak g dinner togehter dkt food court .
im like , alright .
tggu dia mandi jap then i went to his room .
then kitaorg gerak la g food court .
dia makan nasi minyak , aiman makan nasi lemak .
kenyang la .
then singgah cafe shop g bli oreo plak . haha
lapar btul kot ari ni .
then balik bilik .
makan oreo sambil blogging ni .
heee ,so far this is ma story for today . =D
esok tgk la apa plak jadi .
just take care people.
salommmmmm .
Formal Monday .
Monday, February 21, 2011
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
9:46 PM
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