ya allah , kenapa susah sgt nk ubah fikiran kawan2 aku ni , jum la men 1 touch . Men senang kot . Pass , pass , pass . Senang ja . Adoi , tdi men teruk gla . Depa nak men laaariiii ja . Adoi . Dey macha ! Pass da . Adoi . Raplah btoi . Xpa la . Aku stil ada aimovic , aziz , hafiz , tajul . 1 touch people . Training dgn diorg ni lg best .
me scored carrymark english tinggi . Yes lah ! ! Final perfect nanti comfirm A inshalah . Cant wait ! Fuh . Ptg ni friendly , come on aiman . U d beri kepercayaan in the 1st eleven . Come on ! Perform perform perform aiman . Come on ! Gudluck aiman . 2nd win coming ptg ni .
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
11:58 AM
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
settle , i've done my test perfectly , yes ! Dapat full marks tadi ! Test settle , probs smlm settle . Smua settle . Yeza ! Now back normal life . Rehat . At 4pm class , 6pm football , 8pm class .
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
1:55 PM
gud morning .
Yesterday was past .
Today present .
Tomorrow future .
Aiman , apa yg penah dkatakan amati awa dlu mmg btoi . Should listen to her from the beginning . My mum n my aunty r my idol now .
Syamimi , salmah , alawiah , sap .
Saya syed muhammad aiman sini brjanji x akan gangu hdup korang da . Yg nak kamu tahu . Aiman not a liar , aiman not a cheater . Aiman not a bad guy . Aiman x fitnah org . Please stop . Dunt judge me begitu . I think we should be away for the time being . Time will cure everything . Thx for everything in the past . It was beautiful . It was gorgeous . Wont forget anything . Nak korang jaga diri . Take care . Gudluck in everything . Allah test me here . I kna terima , it was painful to lost someone important in ma life . Tp ada hikmah allah test me mcm ni . Kta wait n see apa hikmah yg brilliant . All in the future .just wait . Tu ja . Be cool and happy always . Smile in pain or hapy . Salam .
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
2:01 AM
Monday, October 11, 2010
dlm kelas , bru dpt bju k.k , jap g kalu beh awal nak g training dkt pdg . Hilangkan tension . Training for uitm cup . Cpt la kelas ni abes .
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
5:39 PM
fitnah , fitnah , fitnah
today is perfect !
- kna bom ! Maybe fight .
-lost a best fren
-exam x buat . Aku sorang je x buat . Ganguan mental , slmt lect pham . Thx prof .
-gona be people hater always .
-promise maself xkan nak ada kaitan dgn syed or sha. Buta2 nama busuk . Nak buat bek nk tlg . Kesian . Tgk2 kna bom ! Best gla .
Football and barcelona . Only u n me now . To ma family . I love u . To ma friend yg sudi be ma friend . Thx .
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
2:51 PM
Sunday, October 10, 2010
2morow morning quiz , then mc letter for sir english . Then stdy . Eve training . Tired . Gudnite .
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
11:25 PM
gudluck aiman this evening . 2nd friendly for this week . Its time to win !
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
3:57 PM
today . 10.10.10 . Should i think and change everything in ma life ? Lifestyle , lovelife , and life ?
1. My lifestyle . For the past decade . Im so lazy person . I think today is the best day to change everything . Less jealousy . Dunt care about people who hate me and just focus to be a successful person and make my lifestyle full of entertainment and relaxin moment .
2nd. Lovelife ? It is time to not hoping for anyone anymore . Just follow the flow . U been reject by almost a gazilion time . Now just focus on my football and barcelona . They r my love !
3. Life ? Make it afta this simple , cool , relax , enjoy n be hapy . Family and friends . Thats it .
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
12:27 PM
Saturday, October 9, 2010
today i play so bad ? I think so . Just why people in malaysia love to play run , run , run football ? Play barca football man ! 1 touch ! Come on ? Im so frustrated !
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
7:36 PM
Thursday, October 7, 2010
im for her ?
Can i get her back ?
Why im scare that i might lose her ?
She love me ?
Why ? Help me . I hope she give me another chance .
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
1:11 PM
otw goin to clas , quiz n test later . Im hungry n tired . Need to work harder . Just 1 week more then final n im outta here .
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
9:57 AM
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
only acc and maths in ma mind .
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
9:24 AM
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
tired , need a gud sleep . Nite
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
10:32 PM
just done with ma mgt class , ingat nk g bilik sir eng . Nak check mark7 . Skali sir plak xda bilik . Adoi . Now otw going to koperasi jap bli stationery . Then going back . Ouch ! Wait2 . Sir call plak .dia surug g blik dia .
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
10:10 AM
haha . Yay ! Done quiz mgt ! Dpt 20 over 33 . Adoi .kna improve lg ni . Skng da topic comunication . 2nd last topic da . Okay . Chaiow dulu .nak stdy until 10am
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
9:32 AM
yay ! Stdy mood da sampai ! Steady rah ! ! ! Ni yg syok ni ! + ive been selected for uitm football club ! Yahooo ! Oh yeah ! Just skng ni nak dani alves nye fitnes ! Xtau penat ! Nak fitnes mcm dia ! Esok kul 5am nak start training . Gudnite and gudluck aiman . In aiman we trust ! In barcelona we believe ! Gudluck ! ;D
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
12:04 AM
Monday, October 4, 2010
uhm , final exam is coming . Gudluck to me . Eng , acc , maths , mgt , islamic and kembara
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
1:06 PM
Sunday, October 3, 2010
hey blog . Sory i didnt update u for few days . Internet was down . Btw . Life ? No word for that . Lovelife ? Zero . Lifestyle ? Normal . Actually trying to change ma self start today . I want to study hard . Finale exam just around the corner . Hope tonite im goin to start everything .
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
3:03 PM
Friday, October 1, 2010
lagenda budak setan , shit ! 8 times been dump by my ex , the pain feeling ! Plus my 7 ex leave me because of marriage and another because goin further her stdy in oversea . Serious shit ! That movie make me recap fully what happen to me in the past . Everything . Sigh ! This is life .
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
10:51 PM
where am i ? Outside uitm . Seating on a big rock facing an island called pulau tenggol . Release tension of course , me and sea is like soul and heart . I should come here always , seriously , every probs in ma head is flying away from me . Seating alone , listening to the melody of the sea waves , sky view and beautiful island in front of me . Exam is like 3 weeks more , tonight gonna start chapter 1 . Revision . Hope everything gma be perfect start today . Hope ! ;)
Posted by
Syed Muhammad Aiman
6:37 PM